'Fessin up and getting down to the business of being a student.

Wednesday, 26 September 2007

University is about to start, and I'm absolutely determined, after a life of dull, boring, work work work in my village school, to bloomin' well make the most of this. And in order to enable such a change in lifestyle completely, I'm moving out of home. I'm heading into halls baby. So today I've been packing more. Getting slightly more scared in the process too. Kinda shitting it; I'm actually going!!! I've hopefully not packed too much. Got a few local errands to do tomorrow, yawn. Also sold three things online - will net me £4. Hey - it's something!

You know, the more I think about this... Yes, I want, no, need, to move away and experience this kind of living for myself. And the party scene here really isn't much to talk about, and I bet in comparison to everyone else I'm a really humdrum partier. So, you know - Shit - I'm moving tomorrow!!! Crikey. Well, I think I'm as ready as I'll ever be. It'll only settle in once I'm there.

I remember, the night before my first day at high school I nearly retched through nerves. Thankfully it's not so tonight. I think it actually helps in a way that I've not seen it... I don't know, maybe because if I haven't seen the location at all, I can't impose any scenarios in it.

Anyway, night for now.
