'Fessin up and getting down to the business of being a student.

Thursday, 27 September 2007

Things picked up a little last night with two new arrivals. A guy on my course from Ireland, and a girl called Rachel. Rich... Ritchie (?) asked if I'd like to go out with him and some friends. I declined (like I said, wasn't in the mood, wanted to chill), but failed to say thanks for the offer, oops. Us three girls had a chat last night, a chat which played host to many silences... We got on okay though.

I failed to cook boil in the bag rice :-( Didn't put in enough water - no measuring jug - and then forgot to let it simmer... Had soup in the end.

My room was fairly chilly even with the heating up full, but I got off to sleep and had a good night.

This morning I woke up at about 9.30am and after a shower went to the gym. I kind of skimped on my workout... There were no instructors to be seen and I didn't want to damage myself or anything! I ended up doing:

5 min on bike
5 min row
8 min bike
cool down stretches
2 arm resistance machines.

I think I'll need to go over some things and slowly build up to it.

I then went shopping and spent £18, when at most I thought it would be £13. I'm just not good at estimating the costs of things. I bought food but also flowers to brighten up the kitchen. No vase though so a discarded Evian bottle has had to do.

Mum phoned me just there and I'm going to meet them on Tuesday to stock up.

So that's Day Two, but it's not quite over yet. The union is still quiet, but the town's bars are not. The guys are probs heading out again, so there may be some boogying to be had.
