'Fessin up and getting down to the business of being a student.

Tuesday, 2 October 2007

Hang on a minute, I've just realised I dived straight in with this blog, without a proper introduction or really establishing what it's about.

My name, for the purposes of the blog, is Student A. I want to write this like I write to my own diary, so it'll be honest, and my parents being clever computer literate folk, I wouldn't want them reading about all my exploits (which may or may not get racy/thrilling/gobsmacking). So that's why I have my superhero type alias, and also why I don't mention the location or name of the uni. Also, from the start, I took the decision to swap in the names of my flatmates for similar but different names! I was rabbiting on to Rach about how I'd started this blog, and she casually, but somewhat seriously, asked me what I was writing about her. So for the sake of people who might know them, and I'll be writing about all of our collective exploits, I don't want them getting in trouble 'cause I named and shamed them. If they want to write a blog of their own under their own id they can, not my place to.

I'm 18, and have gone straight to uni from school. My course is in the arts faculty, and covers plenty of film, tv, broadcasting, advertising, marketing etc. I'm an only child. My parents are still together and happily married, and have been so for 24 years. I'm currently single. A few hormonal encounters (which turned into sagas of their own) during high school have led me to the decision that uni is for me, my time to experience things, learn, discover a bit more about who I am. Uni is not going to be several years revolving around wanker boys.

I have a sneaking suspicion that first year is going to be the best in terms of free time to soak up the uni life. The coursework won't be too hard yet, and none of it goes towards Honours. Yes, I want to do well and keep my grades up, but I want to make the most of uni before the hard work really kicks in. So I will go to the campus gym, I'll drink in the union, I'll write for the uni mag, I'll go shopping, hang out with my friends, and generally stride around fully confident in the knowledge that I am now a student. And I'm going to make the best of it.